Minipleat filters in healthcare

Minipleat air filters offer the solution to protect your staff and vulnerable clients against viruses, fine dust and other air pollution. Ecolucht guides healthcare institutions towards a healthy air quality. We often start with high precision air quality measurements and an inventory of your ventilation system. Our goal is always to enhance the filter performance while maintaining an effective air flow for a good ventilation.

Dental practices, nursing homes, hospitals, elderly homes. With minipleat filters you could strenghten the filter performance of your actual ventilation system. As air quality specialist we are looking forward to you in upgrading your air filters. We briefly list the advantages of our German mini-pleat filters:
  • » maximum filter efficiency
  • » durability: maximum strength (even with pressure drops at 5000 Pa)
  • » aerodynamic for a better air flow
  • » longer lifespan due to larger dust holding capacity and A-quality material

Create your own cleanroom with minipleatfilters

More and more care centers, day medical institutes and residentials want to optimally protect patients and staff corona. A cleanroom with hepa air filters offers very good protection against virus attacks. In fact, there is an ambition across the board to continue to convert spaces towards cleanrooms. Especially with older people in a care center. Ecolucht is your cleanroom specialist with knowledge, callibrated particle counters and as value added reseller of top quality German air filters.